Instructors may no longer offer Adult and Youth MHFA Version 1.0
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing no longer offers Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Version 1.0. All future MHFA courses must use the Version 2.0 curricula. This includes all community-specific courses.
If you wish to continue teaching MHFA, and you have not already done so, you must first complete the MHFA Version 2.0 Instructor curricula update course(s) associated with your Instructor certification:
- Youth MHFA v. 2.1 In-Person Curriculum Updates for Instructors Trained in v. 1.0 In-Person Delivery
- Youth MHFA v. 2.1 In-Person and Blended Curriculum Updates for Instructors Trained in v. 2.0 Blended Delivery
- Adult MHFA v. 2.0 In-person Curriculum Updates for Instructors Trained in v. 2.0 Blended Delivery
- Adult MHFA v. 2.0 In-person Curriculum Updates for Instructors Trained in v. 1.0 In-person Delivery
Making the Transition
If you need to complete your MHFA Version 2.0 curriculum updates course(s), you can access the course by visiting your MHFA Connect dashboard and locating the course(s) under Enrolled Courses. You must complete the course for each curriculum you are certified to teach. The courses are free to take and can be completed in 90 minutes.
Once you complete the course, you will gain access to MHFA Version 2.0 resources and templates, and you can begin scheduling courses right away.
Version 1.0 courses taught after Feb. 15, 2024, will not result in First Aider certification or count towards Instructor certification maintenance requirements.
Any Instructor with Version 1.0 manuals may continue to use them as long as they also use the curricula crosswalk document, which can be found in the resources section of MHFA Connect.
About Version 2.0
When we launched Adult and Youth MHFA Version 2.0 in 2020, we aligned and updated our curricula with advancements in research on mental health, substance use, and adult learning behaviors. The Version 2.0 curricula also incorporated cultural considerations, new content about self-care, trauma, and addiction, and new videos and materials to create a more engaging learning experience.